by Than Duc Minh Quan

The purpose of this creative project for people who have experiences in studying abroad to share their stories, thoughts, tips, and whatever may come!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • "Early Transition" with Max Nguyen

    "Early Transition" with Max Nguyen

    Max is a bright individual with loads of passion. I had recognised his willingness to pursue his dreams and goals as early as his high school days. It all started when Max and I were on the same school bus, and I saw this young man working up his courage to ask my friends and I to form a music band together. Through the years, Max has grown into a fine young man! Max has been studying overseas for 4 years. He graduated high school in Toronto, Ontario and continued his post-secondary education in Canada. He is currently pursuing a degree in Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Waterloo. Even though he is enrolled in a highly ranked university, Max has always been humbled and willing to learn more. I believe that is his key to success. Max has kindly provided his contact information on LinkedIn to us. We will be sharing his profile on our Facebook page. Without further to do, let’s hear from our guest!

  • "1,2,3... ACTION!" with Jake Ho

    "1,2,3... ACTION!" with Jake Ho

    Introducing our next guest, Jake Ho! Jake was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He graduated from the Ontario Secondary School Diploma program at CIS - The Canadian International School Vietnam in 2018. Young and energetic. Jake took his skills and talent to British Columbia, Canada, to pursue an education in the Motion Picture Arts Program at Capilano University. Since then, he has had taken on roles like Editor, Writer, and Director of some short films. You can check out his works on his website: hodacleminh.com/

  • "Let's Talk!"

    "Let's Talk!"

    Welcome to the very first podcast episode of WALK the TALK! This episode is the first step of our journey ahead. Our team at WALK the TALK is excited to get things going and get more content out for our listeners. Tune in to see what our host, Quan Than, has to say about the BIG Departure!