The Wake Up London Podcast (Pilot Episode)

The Wake Up London Podcast (Part of The Plum Village Tradition) by Joe Holtaway

Episode notes

In this pilot episode, Joe talks with Catalin Zorzini about his work on the Plum Village app. Hà Dương shares a reading from Vietnam out of Thay’s book ‘Peace is Every Step’. There is music from Elina Pen and Melissa James and a few of our Wake Up members share what their conditions of happiness are.

Thanks to Joe Holtaway and all of or Wake Up friends to make this podcast possible.

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If you have any feedback or ideas for the podcast, please send us an e-mail at

plum villagecatalin zorzinithich nhat hanhwake upeleanor penmelissa jameshà dươngjoe holtawaypeace is every step