This Is How We Win. With Jareb Gleckel | Ep. 49

The Vegan Report by Rayane Laddi

Episode notes

What if I told you that some smart people came up with a viable strategy to end factory farming for good. A way to channel all our activism in the most impactful way. A roadmap telling you where this animal rights struggle ends.

This master plan comes in the form of a legal article titled: A New Age of Animal Law, written by three animal rights lawyers: Jareb Gleckel, staff attorney for Animal Outlook, Grace Brosofsky, a public defender, and Cheryl Leahy, Director of Animal Outlook.

I welcomed on the show one of the co-authors, Jareb. And we discussed the good and bad of animal welfare, before getting to the core of his paper. Then, I challenged him on some of the points and assumptions he makes.

Beyond the Welfare/Rights Divide (summary version):

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