What is Pivot & Grit?

PIVOT & GRIT by Vaughan Broderick

Episode notes

Hi, today’s episode is about two of the most valuable concepts that I have learned as an entrepreneur and while completing my MBA - Pivot & Grit.

So what is a Pivot? As the name suggests it’s a change in direction. Within innovation a pivot is a course correction when you have decided that you are not making sufficient progress towards your original hypothesis around your product, service, strategy or growth engine.

Now, let’s talk about Grit. Grit is a word that I identified with when I read Angela Duckworth’s book of the same name.

A bit of the back story is that Angela researched high achievers from West Point cadets to olympic athletes to spelling bee champions and found that the number one indicator of success is what she calls Grit - which is passion and perseverance.

And, the formula for grist is talent x effo ... 

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