The One on God is Grey

UNOR+HODOX by Brook Dwyer and O.N. Sadiq Dabale

Episode notes

Intro- Brenda Marie Davies is the host of this weekly podcast. The podcast is described at conversations that promote intellectual, sex positive, science affirming Christianity. She begins each episode by welcoming her listeners and explaining that while she believes that while she is a Christian and believes that God resides in absolute truth, in black and white, we as people are stuck here on planet earth contending with the grey. In church grey areas often cause dissension, anger, and even hate. But on this platform I welcome open dialogue. Variety of opinion, and differing belief systems. God is Grey is meat to teach, inform, and dimply trade stories with kindness, love and mutual respect.

Thoughts: I found this podcast a year ago and it has been in my rotation ever since. She often talks about what it was like growing up in the evangel ... 

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