Podcast episodes
Season 1
What is Ra-Ya and why it makes a revolution in the robotics world (Episode in Hebrew)
When we built Ra-Ya, we actually wanted to give developers the opportunity to make an impact on the real world: The world of machines and robots. Now, they have the chance to do that: With Ra-Ya, we empower any developer to build applications on robots, even without any prior knowledge in robotics. Check out our website: https:/www.unlimited-robotics.com/ra-ya
Art by robots and how it is related to AI (Episode in Hebrew)
How a spam message, sent by a dentist in 1864, has been turned out to be the art that we admire today? Hint: It is related to artificial intelligence. Visit us on our website to learn more about what we do @Unlimited Robotics: www.unlimited-robotics.com
How Gary is changing the work of hospitals (Hebrew Episode)
In this episode (in Hebrew) we will discuss how robots in general (and Gary specifically) changes the way hospital operates. In addition, we will have an interesting conversation with Alon, our team member who is one of the founding fathers of our simulator. For more information please visit us on our website: https://www.unlimited-robotics.com and we will love to hear from you.
Humanoids with AI - Good or Bad for us, humans? (episode in Hebrew)
Today we'll talk about Google and its task assignment protocols. We will also try to understand whether AI will eventually replace us and we'll finish with a fruitful discussion with our very talented Michal Leshchinsky about the eternal question about design and Human-Robot-Interactions: humanoids - good or bad? Follow us for more updates and news about robots or visit our website: https://www.unlimited-robotics.com
Will robot replace humans? (Hebrew episode)