episode 24 Mindful lIVING: Cultivating Awareness for a balanced Life.

Unleash the Eagle within YOU by Ugo Chijiutomi

Episode notes

Welcome to Episode 24 Mindful Living: Cultivating Awareness For A Balanced Life. I am your host Ugo Chijiutomi. Living mindfully is about taking moments throughout the day to be fully present with our environment and everything within it. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful videos.

Remember, your healing starts from within.


00:00 Intro

02:11 What Is The Meaning Of Mindful Living?

07:00 The key aspects of mindful living.

10:57 Mindful living practices.

13:14 The Benefits Of Mindful Living.

18:55 How Do You Create And Cultivate Awareness In Your Daily Life?

24:25 Mindfulness In Relationship

28:43 How Do You Set Your Set Intentions?

31:00 How Can You Begin To Embrace Mindful Living?

32:34 Closing Remarks!

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