Unfit to DateExplicit

by Maggie Armstrong

A podcast about the absurdity of dating apps.

Podcast episodes

  • Unfit to Date - Episode 6: Chessels & me


    Unfit to Date - Episode 6: Chessels & me


    I am joined by my colleague/friend/fellow silly goose Cara Hessels (aka @CHESSELS) to talk about dating now vs dating in 2017. We also touch on the burning topics of -- driving in Vietnam, how to use Tinder as a hitchhiking app, why boys don't emote, and finding out your boyfriend is homeless.

  • Unfit to Date - Episode 5: Two Guys Up to No Good


    Unfit to Date - Episode 5: Two Guys Up to No Good


    Welcome (me) back! Tonight I chat about two boys who (semi) broke my heart, but luckily I killed and ate them and after had a nice martini. Hopefully they don't make me sick.

  • Unfit to Date - Episode 4: Slow Ghosting


    Unfit to Date - Episode 4: Slow Ghosting


    Hiiiiieeeee I'm back! Just in time for a spooooky episode about being ghosted and joining the frighteningly unique community that is FEELD.

  • Unfit to Date - Episode 3: Bar T.H.O.T.S.


    Unfit to Date - Episode 3: Bar T.H.O.T.S.


    My very first guest! Join me and Whitney as we chit chat in a bar on all things dating. We talk red and green flags, ghosting revenge, vibe checks, and discover we've both matched with the exact same super bizarre man. Send any questions to unfit2date@gmail.com

  • Unfit to Date - Episode 2: P.O.S. and the flies that come with them


    Unfit to Date - Episode 2: P.O.S. and the flies that come with them


    New ep. Talkin about flies and ENM and being a huuuuuuuuge piece of shit.