
Episode 37: The We The People Episode

Unapologetic Tawk by Unapologetic Tawk Podcast

Episode notes

This week we are incredibly excited to bring you the We The People episode! (part one of many)

We have We The People cofounder Shea as a guest as well as our lovely comrade and WTP core member and Miss Patreon herself, Lauren!

We dive into the history of We The People, what got each member started, and what keeps them going!

After this wonderful and heartfelt dive into We The People, we shift into a slightly darker tone.

On May 11th, two organizers at We The People’s weekly Harlem distro were arrested. The police attempted to disrupt the distribution but it kept going anyways! 7 more arrests were made at jail support. Rosie joins this discussion as the team breaks down the escalating series of events driven by NYPD ego.

By the time this episode airs, We The People has since successfully completed Harlem distr ... 

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activismrevolutionnew york cityprotestnypdpolice brutalityfree speechmutual aid