Voice Memo #4: Survivor Stories | Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Too Young For This Shit | AYA Breast Cancer Podcast by Rosalina and Shauna

Episode notes

We are ending our October voice memo series with some Survivor stories. They share about what survivorship is like and how to best prepare others after a cancer diagnosis.

We want to mention that we did put a call out for Stage 4 Thrivers to share their stories and experiences but did not receive any submission to air the episode. We know October can be very heavy for many of us in the community and we are all just doing our best to get by.

We will be leaving the voice message link active for any Stage 4 Thriver who would like to submit a voice message later down the line. We hope to air any submissions we receive by the end of the season. Visit the link below to leave us a message: Click here to leave us a message.https://www.speakpipe.com/msg ... 

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