Dr Boshart - There is no primary care, there are no doctors for First Nations communities.

Two and a Mic - The Social Podcast by Zak

Episode notes

Part 2 can be heard here: https://rss.com/podcasts/twoandamic/1012570/

Doctor Samantha Boshart is medical practitioner, M.D., she is a healer, a fighter, a spiritualist, environmentalist, naturist, mother, Indigenous person and activist. I am sure she is many more besides, but the point has been sufficiently communicated; Dr Boshart is a clear and powerful voice in the fight for equality, human rights, recognition, education, awareness, and societal justice.

It is her firm intention to run for public office in her region to be able to represent the Indigenous population there and make the necessary changes for the betterment of their lives. In all of her interviews, soc ... 

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genocidefirst nationsprejudicehealth caredoctorcanadaindigenousmedical negligence