14. Advanced Awareness - Nate Summers with Jon & Sarah

Tracking Connections by 512 Natural Pathways, LLC

Episode notes

"When there’s a pull, or a need, or a deep question, or a sincere curiosity coming from an innocent core part of ourselves, the answers often come in ways that you just can’t explain."

In this episode, Nate, Sarah, and Jon share their experiences of following intuition to answer questions that were previously unanswered or find something in a time of need. They reflect on the routines and practices that allow us to develop this sort of advanced awareness, and also on how these abilities are recognized in cultures that are still connected to nature.

"As I return to it and I look at how did that all unfold, there’s something in there that I can learn from forever."

Show Notes


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ConnectionSensesCultureAwarenessintuitionquiet mindjournaling