Parenting Together Apart Podcast

by Ellie Lemons and Monique Barry

We are Ellie Lemons and Monique Barry; two mothers who currently successfully co-parent. This is a space for people to relearn what parenting after separation looks like. We draw on our experiences, journeys and the lessons we've learned to help people see that having a coparenting relationship where being friends is not only possible but a rewarding experience for everyone. We are creating the resource we wish we had when we  ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Things That Are Hard But Get Easier


    Things That Are Hard But Get Easier


    Last episode for the season!! This episode we share our thoughts on all the things we found hard when we first separated but got easier over time...owning our co-parenting status and not caring if people didn't understand it, letting go of that "perfect" fantasy of 2.5 children, dating and not having to see your co-parent everyday [or having to see them everyday] all takes some getting used to.... EPISODE RESOURCES Podcast: Circularity - The Redesign of Everything Read: Esther Perel - The State of Affairs : Rethinking Infidelity FOLLOW ALONG Our Website:⁣ Find us on IG: @parentingtogetherapart⁣ Follow Ellie: @ellielemons⁣ Follow Moni: @moniquebarry_

  • Co-Parenting With a Narcissist with Psychotherapist Serafin Upton

    Co-Parenting With a Narcissist with Psychotherapist Serafin Upton

    On this episode Moni chats with Serafin Upton, a NZ based psychotherapist who specialises in recovering from narcissistic relationships and emotional abuse. She helps us understand narcissistic personality disorder vs narcissistic traits, identify and manage a relationship with a narcissist and how to support and protect your children from narcissistic abuse. EPISODE RESOURCES Read: Mark Ettensohn - Unmasking Narcissism: A Guide to Understanding the Narcissist in Your Life Read: Esther Perel - Mating in Captivity : Unlocking Erotic Intelligence Read: Esther Perel - The State of Affairs : Rethinking Infidelity Podcast: Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel Podcast Episode: Brené with Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce D. Perry on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing Our Family Wizard App FOLLOW ALONG Serafin Upton's Wesbite: Our Website:⁣ Find us on IG: @parentingtogetherapart⁣ Follow Ellie: @ellielemons⁣ Follow Moni: @moniquebarry_

  • Dad Talk: The Importance of Supporting Your Ex

    Dad Talk: The Importance of Supporting Your Ex

    On this episode Ellie chats with her co-parent Charlie Goldsmith. Hear what Charlie has to say about the importance of respecting and supporting the mother of your child/ren and the positive programming around relationships and communication this can create for them, why it’s better (and easier) to get along, building a community around your child as well as rewriting the narrative that being friends with your ex is “weird”. SHOW LINKS Charlies IG: @charliegoldsmith Our Website:⁣ Find us on IG: @parentingtogetherapart⁣ Follow Ellie: @ellielemons⁣ Follow Moni: @moniquebarry_

  • You Have Children and You're Separating...Now What?

    You Have Children and You're Separating...Now What?

    We share some tips for what to do next once the decision to separate has been made when you share children and one or both of you are thinking about how to start the co-parenting journey. Introduction Being clear about the decision to separate Deciding the best living and child-sharing arrangements for your family Managing communication and maintaining privacy Finding a support person in a professional or trusted friend Establishing early boundaries around parental decisions, sex and dating Respecting someone else’s grieving period might be different to yours How to manage your alone time when your child/ren is with the other parent Honouring your feelings and resourcing / supporting yourself through them Disclaimer: This episode is relevant to situations where there are two capable parents and children are safe in each parents hands. SHOW LINKS Our Website:⁣ Find us on IG: @parentingtogetherapart⁣ Follow Ellie: @ellielemons⁣ Follow Moni: @moniquebarry_

  • How To Turn Arguments Into Helpful Discussions

    How To Turn Arguments Into Helpful Discussions

    We talk about handling arguments and conflict in your co-parenting / parenting relationship and how to come out of an argument better than when you went in. Introduction Arguments can be a good thing providing awareness about what your wounds are, where expectations aren’t being met or holes in your communication. Arguments vs discussion How attachment styles influence your ability to have hard discussions and handle conflict and knowing your co-parents attachment style is a sign of love. Strategies to help when you’re in the midst of an argument How to recover after an argument so you finish better off, not worse off. SHOW LINKS Book: Attached by Amir Levine HERE Our Website:⁣ Find us on IG: @parentingtogetherapart⁣ Follow Ellie: @ellielemons⁣ Follow Moni: @moniquebarry_