
Alieen Wuornos - The Monster

Toasted Shenanigans by Missy Meservey and Johnsie Napier

Episode notes
Alieen Wuornos was sentenced to death by the Florida judicial system. Over twelve months she killed seven men during acts of prostitution. Alieen was a rare individual and told the courts, "I killed those men. I robbed them as cold as ice. And I'd do it again, too. There's no chance in keeping me alive or anything, because I'd kill again. I have hate crawling through my system ... I am so sick of hearing this 'she's crazy' stuff. I've been evaluated so many times. I'm competent, sane, and I'm trying to tell the truth. I'm one who seriously hates human life and would kill again." Was Alieen just a cold-blooded killer? Or was her past trauma haunting her, encouraging her need for revenge? Be apart of our Shenanigans, grab your beverage, and decide for yourself!