Ep. 87 - Learn the Skill of Saying "No"

Thriving The Future Podcast by Thriving The Future

Episode notes

Are you a "Yes" Man? Are you always over-extended? Do you have difficulty saying "No" to family, friends, and at work? Learn the Skill of saying "No".

  • Set boundaries or all of your time will be taken by others.

  • Speak the language of the person that you are talking to.

  • Everything is a negotiation.

  • Are you interested but the timing is not right?

  • Should it be me or someone else? Are you volunteering for too much? Should you delegate it to someone else?

  • Prioritize - If I say "Yes" to this then something else on my plate has to go.

  • The fallout of saying "No".

  • Saying "No" but keeping the relationship.

Episode website: https://thrivingthefutu ... 

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