Tom Delonge, To The Stars Academy and Alien PSYOPS Part 2: that Old Time Gnostic Luciferian Alien Religion, More CIA Connections and the Alien Phenomenon Re-examined

Things Observed by Things Observed

Episode notes

In Todays episode we cover some more CIA/SRI connections to TTSA, Peter Levenda, the Sekret Machines book series and the possibly Gnostic Luciferian/alien philosophy at heart of the book series. We discuss the interesting inversion of the classic aliens are demons argument and ask if we can truly understand what Peter Levenda is getting at in the sekret machines books. This episode pairs well with the programmed to chill episode where Jimmy Falun Gong speaks with Dr. Pig Bodine on Peter Levenda and the Simon Necronomicon. We also discuss the bigger picture when it comes to the whole UFO/alien phenomenon and as a consequence talk advanced weaponry, MKULTRA and demons and how this may relate to the UFO and the abduction phenomenon. If you want to hear a podcast that mentions everything from Timothy Leary, the Process Church of the Final Judgment, r ... 

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