Why Natalie Phillips-Mason advocates for neuroinclusive workplaces

The Why Between the Lines by Refresh Marketing

Episode notes

Welcome to the Why Between the Lines podcast, where we explore the why behind what people do. Whether it’s a business, a job, or a passion project – we want to hear the story behind the path, and the heart behind the venture.

Today we speak to Natalie Phillips-Mason, the founder and lead consultant of Inclusive Change. Natalie is a strategic change partner who focuses on and advocates for neuroinclusive workplaces and customer experiences.

She tells us how she got started in her 20-year change management career. What neuroinclusivity means to her personally. And why she’s passionate about what she does.

To learn more about what she does, visit Natalie’s website.

The Why Between the Lines  ... 

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neuroinclusivityworkplace diversity