Episode notes

Psychotropic strings, autonomous snare drums, cave music, the meta-voice and a trombone alone on the beach feature among others in a new episode of The Tonic, broadcasting this Wednesday between 1300-1430 (GMT), with Luke Fraser presenting some of the best new and recently released instrumental and electronic classical music from Latvia and the US.

With music by Georgs Pelēcis, Aulejas Sievas (women from Auleja), Maija Einfelde, Pēteris Plakidis, Uģis Prauliņš, Ben Vida, Odeya Nini, Samuel Adams, Noah Jenkins, Austin Wulliman, Yvette Janine Jackson and Andrew McIntosh.

The featured image shows 25 Woodworms, Wood, Microphone, Sound System (2009), a video installation by Swiss Artist and composer Zimoun. 
