• Soapbox
  • Prisoners of the Ghost Land + Sta...

Prisoners of the Ghost Land + State of Play

Soapbox by Reverend Janglebones & Kurt Huggins

Episode notes

Approved transgressions. Bronze age trad solarpunks. Old man's dick. A nuclear exorcism. One of Rev's new faves. Damascus steel, bro. Nic Cage; servant to the Muses. Wild archetypes. Hawk on a Cage. Min Dansk er ikke godt. Yin editing, yang directing. Send hate mail. Magic Mic. Thai magic. Wrecking your life for the better. Belief mechanics. Outsourcing sovereignty. Pharmafia. Putrid festering media bubbles. Absurdity as medicine. Play is divine. Blessed limitation. 440hz & oscilloscopes. Visions of Narby.

nicolas cage