Women Hold the Power of The Universe In Their Womb: Reclamation of Your Feminine Power Part 1.

Limitless Being Podcast by Dani

Episode notes

Welcome back to the Limitless Being Podcast! Join us on the latest episode as we delve deep into the transformative journey of embracing the innate power of the menstrual cycle with my guest, Jess. A multifaceted entrepreneur, hormonal specialist, cycle syncing coach, and sexuality coach, Jess guides women on a profound exploration of their menstrual cycles, empowering them to live authentically and unapologetically.

In this conversation, we challenge the stigma surrounding menstruation and uncover the profound truths hidden within our cycles and wombs. Jess shares insights into the reverence of period blood in ancient and indigenous cultures, highlighting its symbolic significance and the wisdom it holds. Together, we go through the process of reclaiming womanhood, unraveling the layers of shame and misconceptions that society has woven ar ... 

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sexualityself lovesexholistic healinghealingspiritual journeylovewomen's healthfeminine empowerment