Episode notes

- Encounter Church returns to live Wednesday night services with a month of prayer and worship- Psalm 63 talks about seeking God earnestly, before trouble comes, so that we may find stability, strength, power, and help in Him.- Let the fruit of our lips be as the evening sacrifice, and give Him praise with Hallelujah- The Bible says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust, that's the word of the Living God and what that means is that sometimes if you're in a drought rain is good but if it's flooding I don't necessarily need the rain, so the rain can be good but the rain can also be bad it just depends on the season that I'm in.- Envy says I want what you have and I want it so bad that if I can't have it I'm gonna mess it up so bad you can't have it.- Cutting off opportunity from those who desire to be regarded just as we are, in the matter ... 

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psalm23 jesus christ we experience his merciful and gracious love his presence by prayer bishop gary oliver and dr noemi oliver as they discuss spiritual and physical boundaries and revisit the book of psalms