The Running Brunch

by Ben Ledbetter and Peter Cunningham

Two friends bringing runners of all levels to the table to talk about the good, the bad, and ugly of running AND of brunch

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Ep. 22: Sinclaire Johnson - Former Poke, Current Pro, Future Olympian

    Ep. 22: Sinclaire Johnson - Former Poke, Current Pro, Future Olympian

    After too much waiting, Sinclaire Johnson's episode is finally available to the public! What a gracious guest and her kindness and speedy legs deserve a quicker turn around than we gave. Since the recording of this episode, Sinclaire has represented (for the second time) the USA in the 1500m at World Athletics Championships, in Budapest. She's a hungry athlete that you'll continue to see wearing the red, white, and blue for years to come. Enjoy!

  • Ep. 21: Imogen Barrett - Aussie, Turned Floridian, Combats Injury Prone Nature

    Ep. 21: Imogen Barrett - Aussie, Turned Floridian, Combats Injury Prone Nature

    Once again, Australia produces a podcast guest who's run fast times at an East Coast college. Listen to our conversation with University of Florida alum, Imogen Barrett. Despite injuries throughout her college career, she still put together an impressive resume. She is a great encouragement for runners as they seek to find purpose outside of competing, in the midst of injuries.

  • Ep. 20: John Fegyveresi - Climate Science / Barkley Marathons Finisher

    Ep. 20: John Fegyveresi - Climate Science / Barkley Marathons Finisher

    STILL SOLVING AUDIO QUALITY PROBLEMSWith our first time guest co-host (Lauren Gregory) Peter sits down for a conversation with John Fegyveresi. John is an avid ultra-marathoner, and stumbled his way into becoming a household name in the world of running, after he was featured in a documentary about a race call "The Barkley Marathons." Since the race's inception in 1986, John is one of 17 runners that have completed this 100+ mile race. The grueling conditions, quirky parameters/traditions, and fascinating characters that find their way into this race make the documentary a worth while watch. Your passion for running and love for nature will be stoked in this episode.

  • Ep. 19: Ben Blankenship's Long Locks & Fast 1500s

    Ep. 19: Ben Blankenship's Long Locks & Fast 1500s

    Skip to Convo with Ben: 14:13...Our first guest that flipped the script and asked us interview questions, Ben Blankenship was a fun brunch. Having run the 1500m in the Rio Olympics and still holding the DMR World Record (with Kyle Merber, Brycen Spratling, and Brandon Johnson), Ben has run at the highest level. With marathons set in his sights, we sit down for a great convo with a chill dude.In the episode, we talk about the organization Ben founded in 2022, called Endless Mileage. Below is a link to the website. Take a look. We think it's a really special cause! Highlights from the World Record DMR: Robert Johnson breaks down 1500m race tactics (featuring Ben Blankenship): Also, mentioned by Peter in the ep, his favorite website from High School:

  • Ep. 18: Paul Hefferon Takes Us From Georgia to KU to KC.

    Ep. 18: Paul Hefferon Takes Us From Georgia to KU to KC.

    Paul Hefferon spends his brunch with us. The man has lived an incredible life of friends, fun, and fast times. He is a man who will treat you a best friend the first time you meet him.