Dr. Chetan Goel's Journey to UK Medicine, PLAB & IELTS Success | PLAB Podcast Ep.1

The PLAB Podcast by Dr Gney Mehta

Episode notes
Welcome to the inaugural episode of the PLAB Podcast, where we explore the inspiring journeys of international medical professionals who've successfully navigated their way into the UK healthcare system. In today's episode, we are thrilled to have Dr. Chetan Goel as our first guest. Dr. Goel is currently a Junior Clinical Fellow in Cardiology at the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, and he's gearing up for Internal Medical Training this August.Join us as Dr. Goel shares his story of determination and perseverance in pursuing a medical career in the UK. From his decision to practice medicine overseas, to preparing for the PLAB and IELTS exams, Dr. Goel offers invaluable insights and strategies that will help guide and inspire aspiring medical professionals seeking to follow in his footsteps.In this candid conversation, we cover topics such as:  ...  Read more