Theology Lab

by Scott Rice

Theology Lab hosts (online) discussions with public figures and church leaders. With an approach to faith that values being open to questions and comfortable with nuance, courage and humility, Theology Lab is a place for those who see themselves as theologically curious. How can we be both grounded while pursuing a vibrant, expansive kind of faith? Theology Lab is offered by

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • José Humphreys III & Adam Gustine: Economic Discipleship - In Your Neighborhood

    José Humphreys III & Adam Gustine: Economic Discipleship - In Your Neighborhood

    In this discussion with José Humphreys III and Adam Gustine, co-authors of the new book, "Ecosystems of Jubilee: Economic Ethics for the Neighbor," along with moderator Meghan DeJong, explore the following questions (and others): How do we connect our faith to the places in which we live? How can biblical ideas like Sabbath and Jubilee help us contend with fears that we will not have enough and that consequently drive us to consume more and more? This conversation can help us think about where God is at work in our communities and what it looks like to engage in practices where everyone has a role to play. Ecosystems of Jubilee: Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA. Theology Lab is run out of Highrock church.

  • Greg Baumer & Grace Nicolette - How Much Money Should We Give Away?

    Greg Baumer & Grace Nicolette - How Much Money Should We Give Away?

    The fourth session of Theology Lab's 2023-24 series, "God & Money." In this session, we're joined by Grace Chiang Nicolette (Center for Effective Philanthropy and co-host of the Giving Done Right podcast) and Gregory Baumer (author of God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School) for a conversation on faith and generosity. We explore questions like What God's? What's mine? And how do we gain the wisdom to know the difference? Grace and Greg also offer their perspectives on the gift of giving, making giving part of a faith lifestyle, and some of the common pitfalls we face when it comes to giving and generosity. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA. Theology Lab is run out of Highrock church. Recorded on January 21st, 2024.

  • Soong-Chan Rah & Dennis Edwards - Money and the Bible

    Soong-Chan Rah & Dennis Edwards - Money and the Bible

    Recorded on November 12, 2023. The third session of Theology Lab's 2023-2024 series, "God & Money." In this discussion, guest speakers Dennis Edwards Jr. and Soong-Chan Rah, along with moderator Scott Rice, discuss what the Bible says about money and its application to the life of faith communities today. Listen in for a stimulating conversation on the following questions (and more): How can the witness of the church in Acts 2 impact our relationship to money and other people today? Have we internalized a transactional relationship with God (i.e., if you X, I'll do Y)? How can a new self-understanding change the way we view giving? How can we incorporate more diverse views and people with different experiences around money into the decision-making processes of the church? Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • David Cloutier & Hauna Ondrey - The Vice of Luxury

    David Cloutier & Hauna Ondrey - The Vice of Luxury

    Recorded on October 15, 2023. David Cloutier, Hauna Ondrey, and moderator Scott Rice discuss the church's relationship to wealth and luxury. How does the church's historical relationship to money, positively and negatively, impact us today? How do we make challenging but important decisions about using our resources well while avoiding the deforming effects of luxury? Part of Theology Lab's "God & Money" series: Join us on Zoom for live Theology Lab sessions: David Cloutier's book, "The Vice of Luxury": Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • Al Tizon & Ruth Padilla DeBorst - God & Money

    Al Tizon & Ruth Padilla DeBorst - God & Money

    Recorded on September 17, 2023. The first session of Theology Lab's 2023-2024 series, "God & Money." In this discussion, guest speakers Ruth Padilla DeBorst and Al Tizon explore how money connects to faith, common obstacles that prevent us from seriously engaging this topic, field a question on materialism and the need for a nuanced relationship to capitalism, and more. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.