Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • S1 Ep8: Panel Discussion: What Did We Learn? What's Next?

    S1 Ep8: Panel Discussion: What Did We Learn? What's Next?

    After a series of discussions with several high profile figures from both within and outside of evangelicalism, we are led to ask, "So what?" How have these discussions shaped us? What new questions do they raise? And what hope do we have for individuals and faith communities who have been shaped by evangelicalism? In this final segment of the American Evangelicalism Theology Lab, panelists Meghan DeJong (Highrock Church), Kristin Lee (contributing author at outlets like Christianity Today and Sojourners), Walter Kim (National Association of Evangelicals) and John Mury (Highrock Church) take up these questions and more. The discussion not only provides insights into this year's conversations but models the kind of dialogue across differences that we hope might characterize the church (evangelical and otherwise) more and more. (Discussion moderator: Scott Rice) Recorded May 7, 2023 Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: highrock.org/theologylab facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: https://twitter.com/Theology_Lab Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • S1 Ep7: Beth Allison Barr & Kellie Carter Jackson - Race and Biblical Womanhood

    S1 Ep7: Beth Allison Barr & Kellie Carter Jackson - Race and Biblical Womanhood

    In this conversation, author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood, Beth Allison Barr (Baylor University), and Force and Freedom and We Refuse, Kellie Carter-Jackson (Wellesley College) explore contemporary issues of gender and race in the evangelical world. Barr and Jackson share how their faith animates their work as historians of gender and race, respectively. Their discussion sheds light on how race issues and gender inequality manifest themselves in the church in both explicit and subtle ways. This conversation offers perspective for how the study of history not only changes what we know but who we are and who we can become as followers of Christ. (Discussion moderator: Scott Rice) Recorded April 24, 2023. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: highrock.org/theologylab facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: https://twitter.com/Theology_Lab Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • S1 Ep6: David Brooks & Jim Wallis - Politics and Evangelicalism

    S1 Ep6: David Brooks & Jim Wallis - Politics and Evangelicalism

    In this discussion, David Brooks (New York Times) and Jim Wallis (Georgetown University) enter into a good-faith conversation on how Christians should engage in politics. They respond to questions like, What role should politics play in our lives? Has politics taken the place of religion in our society? What do compromise and mutual sacrifice look like for Christians engaging the issues that often divide us? (Discussion moderate: Rev. Dr. Walter Kim, National Association of Evangelicals.) Recorded March 12, 2023. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: highrock.org/theologylab facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: https://twitter.com/Theology_Lab Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • S1 Ep5: Kathy Khang and Dan Stringer: Wrestling with Evangelicalism

    S1 Ep5: Kathy Khang and Dan Stringer: Wrestling with Evangelicalism

    Whether or not you call yourself an evangelical today, if evangelicalism has shaped you in the past, what does it look like to reflect on the evangelical tradition in a constructive way? How do we engage with honesty, wisdom, and insight? Kathy Khang author of Raise Your Voice and Loving Disagreement, and Dan Stringer, author of Struggling with Evangelicalism, talk through their own experiences with these questions and what they've learned about discerning some of the most pressing questions in the church today, both as individuals and in community. (Discussion moderator: Scott Rice, Highrock Church.) Recorded February 19, 2023. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: highrock.org/theologylab facebook: / highrocktheologylab X: https://twitter.com/Theology_Lab Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.

  • S1 Ep4: Kristin Kobes Du Mez & Walter Kim - Masculinity in the Church: Then, Now, and the Future

    S1 Ep4: Kristin Kobes Du Mez & Walter Kim - Masculinity in the Church: Then, Now, and the Future

    Kristin Kobes Du Mez (Calvin College) and Walter Kim (National Association of Evangelicals) discuss the rise of a cultural form of masculinity that's taken hold in many evangelical communities and which is the focus of Du Mez's widely acclaimed book, Jesus and John and Wayne. Du Mez and Kim also address how the values of this movement compare to the person of Christ as depicted in the gospels, as well as Christian Nationalism, and how we might consider alternative forms of masculinity in the church today. (Discussion moderator: Meghan DeJong, Highrock Church.) Recorded January 23, 2023. Learn more about Highrock's Theology Lab: highrock.org/theologylab facebook:   / highrocktheologylab   X: https://twitter.com/Theology_Lab Podcast includes original music ("Imagination") written by Dean Payla, produced by PALA.