Let's Get Personal...AI (feat. Owen Barnes)

Kinode Office Hours by Bichul Ritsen and Habsul Rignyr

Episode notes

On this extra special episode, the boys are joined by blockchain entrepreneur and decentralization advocate Owen Barnes (~locruc-fonmec) to discuss the rise of personal artificial intelligence tools, the importance of user interface, and how to design a new internet from the ground up. Then, they explore how new AI platforms (such as Chat GPT and Codex) can empower programmers, whether AI will protect (or exploit) personal data, and the role of crypto in curation of AI content. All this plus digital reincarnation of departed loved ones, algorithmic broadway musicals, and sign placement on the London Underground.



0:54—Owen Barnes—the man, the myth, the legend

2:57—Owning your data/communities

5:`18—Redesigning the web from scratch and rethinking UI

11:59—A ... 

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