
The Isolation and Working from home episode - Marketing Podcast #11

The Most Ridiculous Marketing Podcast by The Most Ridiculous Marketing Podcast

Episode notes

It’s isolation time and working from home in the UK right now as is the rest of the world and the cases of the virus seem to be increasing, leaving The Most Ridiculous Marketing Podcast with only one way of completing the podcast this week.

We discuss the news of the marketing world industry this week, which is dominated by coronavirus, we look at the brand winners and losers such as Wetherspoons, Sports Direct, UFC,

Netflix and their spillers and many more. Lots of technical errors, but we hope you enjoy this weeks episode of the comical podcast for the marketing and advertising industry.

marketing podcastAdvertising Podcastdigital marketing podcastmarketing agencymarketing 2020 podcastcoronavirus podcastisolation podcastworking from home