15: To quarter life crisis or to not....turning 25

Lila: The Podcast by Alexa Jo Schafer

Episode notes

Happy May 29th...It's Alexa's 25th birthday!

To celebrate, Alexa and Clara, talk about how their lives look very different at the same age. Alexa, in the depths of a quarter-life crisis, and Clara, far out of hers, discuss how 25 looks different, not only from the early 20s, but from other 25 year olds.

Feeling lost and feeling secure, ups and downs, spiraling and coping, these two best friends speak candidly about what it's like to have a fully developed brain

Lila: The Podcast

Solo travel, mental health, & the cool people I've met along the way



A feeling of wholehearted contentedness upon the recognition that every happenstance in one’s life thus far has led to this very moment, in this very place, with these very people.

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mid-twentiesquarter-life crisistwenty five