The Podcast

by Hemma Allmann and Gabriel Serra

You want to know what your life's purpose is.

You want to fulfill your life's purpose.

And you want to know how to go from no purpose to living your life's purpose.

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • The Time To 10x Our Life Purpose Has Come (Season 2 Finale | Ep 50 Milestone)

    The Time To 10x Our Life Purpose Has Come (Season 2 Finale | Ep 50 Milestone)

    Today's podcast episode is about the season 2 finale of The Podcast because the time to 10x our life purpose has come. 10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Letting Go 10x-ing your life purpose is about letting go. It doesn't matter if it's a job, a business, or a lifestyle you built for yourself: if you're unhappy or unsatisfied with it, let go and be 100% committed to your life's purpose. You might be holding on to the familiar (habits, patterns, beliefs, etc.), but until you let go of what's no longer serving you, you'll always be in a 2x state of living. 10x is about doing only what's in your zone of genius, working less, and having a team of passionate people helping you achieve something BIG for your purpose. 2x is about doing everything yourself, "hard work," and being busy. To 10x, you can't think 2x. To 10x, you can't have 2x goals. To 10x, you can't have 2x habits. Letting go is a fundamental principle of 10x. 10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone 10x-ing your life purpose is about getting out of your comfort zone and doing 10x things to live your purpose. It's easy to live in one's comfort zone and be comfortable, yet true growth and fulfillment are beyond what's familiar to us. To 10x your purpose, you must embrace discomfort as a catalyst for transformation. Embracing discomfort is a necessary part of one's journey to 10x-ing themselves because it requires one to become the person they were meant to be. 10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Building Value To manifest the BIG vision for your purpose, you need to amplify your value by 10x-ing yourself. You can't achieve this if you're thinking only 2x. 10x-ing your purpose isn't solely about personal success or fulfillment; it's about making a meaningful impact and leaving a lasting legacy. Building value starts with introspection and self-awareness. It involves identifying your unique strengths, passions, and values, and using them to make a positive difference in the world. Whether through your work, relationships, or contributions to society, every action you take should align with your core purpose and enrich the lives of others. 10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Taking Massive Action To truly 10x our life purpose, we must embrace the essence of our masculine energy, which means stepping into our power, being unapologetically bold, and taking massive action toward our goals. The Time To 10x Our Life Purpose Has Come To propel ourselves to the next stage of our journey, we must let go, step out of our comfort zones, and create value by taking massive action. 🎯 Subscribe to The Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose. 🎯 Subscribe To The Newsletter If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you. Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscribe here:

  • When You Know Yourself You'll Know Your Purpose

    When You Know Yourself You'll Know Your Purpose

    Today's podcast episode is about when you know yourself, you'll know your purpose. When you know yourself, you'll know your purpose in life. To know yourself, you must become aware of who you are and the meaning of your life. Your Life's Purpose Is An Extension Of Your Authentic Self Your purpose is an extension of your authentic self. However, to truly understand and embrace your authentic self, self-awareness is crucial. Knowing various key aspects of yourself through introspection and self-discovery connects you deeper to your life's purpose. Your Life Purpose Evolves When You Know More About Yourself As you know more about yourself, your purpose will evolve. The more self-aware you become, the more you deepen your understanding of yourself—your values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and beliefs, helping you to gain more clarity and insight about your purpose. As you remember the core of your true identity, you'll learn more of your truth and discover what truly inspires you. Self-awareness encompasses both introspection and self-reflection. It involves being conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and how they influence your actions. Accept Yourself And You'll Accept Your True Purpose Accepting your true purpose requires you to accept yourself. Accepting yourself is not merely an act of self-love; it is the gateway to unlocking your true purpose in life. When you embrace who you are and accept yourself completely, you'll receive guidance from the Divine on what you must do to live your purpose. When You Know Yourself, You'll Know Your Purpose Knowing yourself is both an act of self-acceptance and self-awareness, which is key to knowing your purpose. Self-awareness is fundamental when it comes to knowing who you are because when you know yourself you'll know your purpose. When you accept yourself unconditionally, you gain clarity about your values, passions, and desires, empowering you to make choices that lead to a more purposeful and meaningful life. Although achieving self-acceptance may require effort and self-reflection, therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy can aid in this process. 🎯 Subscribe to The Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose. 🎯 Subscribe To The Newsletter If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you. Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscribe here:

  • Why Nice Guys Will NEVER Live Their Life's Purpose

    Why Nice Guys Will NEVER Live Their Life's Purpose

    Today's podcast episode is about why nice guys will NEVER live their life's purpose. "Nice guys" will NEVER live their life's purpose because they would rather get approval from the outer world and avoid conflict at all costs instead of doing what God needs them to do to fulfill their purpose. A "nice guy" has been programmed to behave according to society's conditioning, causing them to be passive out of fear of confrontation. "Nice Guys" Will Always Struggle To Live Their Life's Purpose "Nice guys" will always struggle to live their life's purpose because they have an internal psychological conflict known as the nice guy syndrome. The behavioral pattern of being fake nice at one's expense is likely a shadow (a term coined by Carl Jung to describe the repressed aspects of oneself), stemming from a deep-seated psychological need for approval or fear of rejection. "Nice Guys" Do What They Think Others Want Them To Do "Nice guys" do what they think others want them to do not because they want to be nice and genuinely do something for someone else: their underlying intention (consciously or unconsciously) might be to get something in return. Without a strong sense of self, a "nice guy" will continue to overextend themselves, do for others, and neglect themselves in the process. While doing for others is not necessarily "bad," it becomes problematic when a "nice guy" feels obligated to do things that they don't really want to do because it insinuates they can easily be controlled or manipulated. "Nice Guys" Will Avoid Confrontation At All Costs, Even If It Means NOT Living Their Life's Purpose A "nice guy" will never become their true self if they are acting on an artificial behavioral pattern to please others. The "nice guy" persona would fundamentally be a shadow that originated in fear of rejection, leaving the "nice guy" to hide who they truly are in exchange for being something they're not, thus gaining the conditional approval of others in the process. "Nice Guys" Will Always Pretend When It's Time To Do Uncomfortable Things To Fulfill Their Life's Purpose "Nice guys" will always pretend when it's time to do uncomfortable things to fulfill their purpose. The "nice guy" persona, what is being presented to the outer world, is in direct conflict when the "nice guy" may need to do things that are out of character for the "nice guy." "Nice Guys" Will NEVER Live Their Life's Purpose The "nice guy" must confront their shadows and address the root cause of their persona to be authentic and live their purpose. A "nice guy" must accept themselves for who they are, regardless of others' approval. The "nice guy" will never live their purpose until they accept themselves and their truth. 🎯 Subscribe to The Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose. 🎯 Subscribe To The Newsletter If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you. Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscribe here:

  • Reclaiming Your Sexual Energy To Live Your Life's Purpose

    Reclaiming Your Sexual Energy To Live Your Life's Purpose

    Today's podcast episode is about reclaiming your sexual energy to live your life's purpose. Reclaiming your sexual energy requires you to acknowledge and embrace your sexual energy, which can help you live your life's purpose. Your Sexual Energy's Role In Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose Your sexual energy plays a BIG role in living and fulfilling your life's purpose. Think of your sexual energy as a special type of rocket fuel 🚀. This rocket fuel 🚀 powers your creativity, ambition, and overall well-being. Therefore, understanding how to harness and use your sexual energy constructively can help you manifest the BIG vision God gifted you by empowering you to take massive action as a BIG ONE and fulfill your BIG purpose. Research from Brody and Costa cites that the actual act of sexual intercourse can improve one's overall well-being and help one reach self-actualization (2009). This is also resonant with Diamond's assertion that one's sexual energy, when harnessed effectively is a catalyst for creativity, motivation, and personal growth (2010). The Power Of Flow State In Living A Purposeful Life Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work revolved heavily around the "flow state," (being "in the zone") which is a state of deep focus, effortless action, heightened creativity, and a deep sense of enjoyment during the performance of an activity (Oppland, 2016). Flow state is a complete immersion in the present moment, where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing, which makes you lose track of time and self-consciousness. It's theorized that accessing and staying in this flow state is important for helping us reach our full potential and live our purpose. The Connection Between Flow State, Purpose, and Sexual Energy What do flow state, sexual energy, and your purpose have to do with one another? EVERYTHING. The flow state is the state when you're "in the zone" and achieving that state seems to happen when you're doing what you enjoy (living your purpose), which enables you to do it at a high level. Your sexual energy motivates you to do things that increase your chances of getting sex with the person you're attracted to, but when that energy is harnessed for your life purpose, it helps you access higher levels of creativity, action, and accomplishment. Your sexual energy enables you to access the flow state when that energy is used to live your life's purpose. Sexual energy and flow can work in unison to help you effortlessly fulfill your life's purpose, however, it will require you to integrate your shadows and acknowledge whatever you've denied, disliked, or repressed about yourself. 🎯 Subscribe to The Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose. 🎯 Subscribe To The Newsletter If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you. Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscribe here:

  • Discovering Wholeness For Your Life's Purpose

    Discovering Wholeness For Your Life's Purpose

    Today's podcast episode is about discovering wholeness for your life's purpose Discovering your wholeness is a BIG part of finding and living your life's purpose because, from a place of wholeness, you're not seeking validation or other external assurance of your BIGNESS: you own and express who you truly are. What Is 'Wholeness'? There's an innate completeness within each of us and when you remember this truth for yourself, it'll free you from being needy and help you focus on being content. When you're free of neediness, living from that place of consciousness will allow you to express your life's purpose without needing anyone's approval or validation since you're being true to yourself and knowing your purpose is enough. Lack Of Wholeness Disconnects You From Your Purpose The outer world has conditioned you to feel disconnected from yourself. The disconnection from self contributes to a disconnection from wholeness, which disconnects you from your purpose. When there's a lack of inner wholeness, you might be likely to do nonmeaningful work that sucks the life out of you and causes you to experience mental health issues like anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, or burnout. Your purpose isn't necessarily about achieving a goal, instead, it's about answering a deep inner calling that aligns with your unique talents, values, and passions, which expands your sense of wholeness. Achieving 'Wholeness' To Fulfil Your Life's Purpose Achieving wholeness to fulfill your life's purpose starts with remembering you're connected to all that is and that you're already whole. You must live in that state of consciousness and project that thought 24/7. Only when you embrace your wholeness can you reconnect with your authentic self and align with your true purpose in life. Integrating Your Shadows and Embodying Your 'Wholeness' As Carl Jung described, our shadows are the ignored or repressed aspects of ourselves that we've pushed away because we believe that the outer world does not accept who we are. So we hide ourselves. What does that do though? It creates a shadow. The shadow isn't going to disappear though: it's still part of us and comes out at certain moments that might seem like self-sabotage, criticism, judgment, defensiveness, anger, or other shadow-like tendencies that shadows do. However, by integrating these shadows, we can begin to embody our wholeness and unlock our true potential, which will help us fulfill our purpose. Discovering Wholeness For Your Life's Purpose Living in a state of wholeness entails transcending the ego and realizing the interconnectedness of all existence, which is already a part of you. By integrating all aspects of ourselves, including our shadows, and living from a place of wholeness, we'll be equipped to live authentically and fulfill our true purpose. 🎯 Subscribe to The Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose. 🎯 Subscribe To The Newsletter If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you. Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the newsletter. Subscribe here: