Episode notes

🎯Do you set and reach attainable goals or do you rely on 🍀luck because your dreams seem impossible? Join ECHO This today for Empowering Conversations of Hope and Opportunity on the theme of 🌈"Chasing Rainbows: When You Choose Your Pot of Gold." 🍯 Explore your somewhere over the 🌈 in a stimulating discussion with Debi Wimberley, Lisa Jones, Minna Taylor and Amy Weishaus. đŸ“»Tune in at 5 p.m. EST on ihealthradio where dreams that you dare to dream really do come true! ECHO (Empowering Conversations of Hope and Opportunity) is an inspiring collaborative that amplifies the voices of individuals everywhere. Their messages create hope and opportunity that reverberate through crucial conversations. Each shared story sends ripples of encouragement and invites ongoing discussions for boundless potential. It’s about sparking meaningful dialogue and cre ... 

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