Podcast episodes

  • Season 5

  • The Mustachioed Mystery - Interview with Robin Wilding

    The Mustachioed Mystery - Interview with Robin Wilding

    For the final episode of The Hidden Egg's 5th season, we interview Medium legend Robin Wilding!! Robin is a variety writer with a heavy emphasis on finding the funny. Many a Wilding piece has sent TAM and mort into giggles and guffaws. We were happy to take a little tour down Robin's Medium journey and learn about her process and relationship with the platform. Come along, for this educationally hilarious Season Finale!! :D Robin Wilding 💎’s Showcased Articles: How I Got Boosted…Repeatedly Am I Crazy, Or Is The World Nuts? Are There Tacos Over the Rainbow Bridge? Why I Never Birthed Freeloading Flesh Potatoes The Craptastically Easy Way to Pick a Niche To watch the video version of this podcast, go to our Substack. For more about writing with vulnerability and information on articles discussed in the episodes, visit themonsteralley.com.

  • Do You Anime? Do You Weeb?

    Do You Anime? Do You Weeb?

    For the Penultimate Episode of Season 5, our Hidden Egg protagonists delve into their own psyche, and the anime that shaped it. TAM and mort discuss their fav anime from the past and present, in this off-topic episode. So, if you do happen to anime and/or weeb, come along and hear us nerd out! XD Check out the articles that we shouted out during the episode: The Lasting Legacy of Avatar: The Last Airbender by Ben Ulansey I’ve Been Selected to Speak at Medium Day by The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill) Remembering What Made Me A Teacher by Murphy's Law I’m Reincarnating as a Slime by The Accidental Monster To watch the video version of this podcast, go to our Substack. For more about writing with vulnerability and information on articles discussed in the episodes, visit themonsteralley.com.

  • Listen To Us Muse About Religion

    Listen To Us Muse About Religion

    The Hidden Egg decided to tiptoe into the topic of religion, for this 7th episode of the podcast. We found a few articles that spoke to us about the breadth of the concept of religion and they 'whys' people go looking for it. A deep topic, with some silly hosts. :P Main Articles Showcased: Mainstream Religions Can Never Work Long-term! by Alina Pitt Intelligent Design? by Religion and Politics at The Dinner Table Growing Up with Faith: A Guide for Today’s Kids by Gaurav Goyal: Data Scientist, Speaker To watch the video version of this podcast, go to our Substack. For more about writing with vulnerability and information on articles discussed in the episodes, visit themonsteralley.com.

  • Relatable and Vulnerable: Interview with You Good?

    Relatable and Vulnerable: Interview with You Good?

    You Good? A great way to check in with a friend and a fantastic writer! This week's episode of The Hidden Egg podcast is an interview with this vulnerable writer and her history with Medium. It was a delightful talk between friends and brings you a (probably) relatable look at someone trying to find the time to devote to some creation. Check out this writer's deep and personal look at life, mental health, and the desire to create! :D You Good?’s Showcased Articles: Microdosing with Panic Disorder To Celebrate a Lifetime of Being Fine A Hundred Duck-Sized Horses or One Horse-Sized Duck The Ghost that Won’t Leave: My Twin Flame Ask and Ye Shall Receive A Blast From the Past That Threw me on My Ass(t) What Cracked First, the Chicken or the Egg? To watch the video version of this podcast, go to our Substack. For more about writing with vulnerability and information on articles discussed in the episodes, visit themonsteralley.com.

  • Summertime Funtime

    Summertime Funtime

    For the depths of July, The Hidden Egg podcast decided to mine some summer memories from the halls of Medium. For some romantic, supernatural reason writing about summertime memories just pulls out some vulnerability. Probably because it always seemed like an experience outside everyday life, or maybe I'm just being a little whimsical about it. lol. Here are the gems we found cooling on the rocks in Medium-land: Shoutouts: It Felt Like the End of The World in The Summer of ’74 by Marcia Abboud The Highlight of Summer Has Always Been Our Birthdays by The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill) Summer Haze in a Sweaty Daze by Robin Wilding 💎 Mastering the 5 Levels of Kid Summer Awesomeness by Jennifer Haubrich Main Articles Showcased: The Grizzly Rollercoaster and My Summer of Bravery by Sarah Paris A Fling in the Summer of 1970 Taught Me a Valuable Lesson by Klara Jane Holloway Canning Sweet Summer Memories Under the Stars by Debra G. Harman, MEd. To watch the video version of this podcast, go to our Substack. For more about writing with vulnerability and information on articles discussed in the episodes, visit themonsteralley.com.