The Heavy Historian Explicit

by Hayden Day

The Heavy Historian aims to educate people on Heavy Metal music outside of the western world! Its my aim to get more eastern bands into the limelight and get more people understanding their personal histories and listening to their music. They have unique histories, being influences by situations created by war tensions, political unrest and religious bigotry. United we can create a truly metal world!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • 15 Years: How playing heavy metal can give you the death sentence.


    15 Years: How playing heavy metal can give you the death sentence.


    Welcome to The Heavy Historian Pilot episode! Today we are going to be looking at metal bands from the Middle East! I want to highlight their personal histories, struggles and the dangers they face for playing metal music. I picked some bands who personal histories are really interesting and inspiring. Songs by Arsames: Persepolis Cyrus the Great Homo Sapians Monotheism Songs by Al-Namrood: Xenophobia Sahra Yaesa Wahum Al Thaat Songs by Blaakyum: The line of Fear Religion of Peace Riot against Riot Freedom Denied Songs by Confess: Evin Songs by Myrath: Believer