S03 E21 - Las nuevas reglas del clima - Medium Speed - 80% Spanish

The Gringa Spanglish Podcast by Alyssa Bonelli

Episode notes

A kid in 2040 learns the ropes from his mom about how to survive with the new rules of the climate.


  1. unas reglas are rules
  2. una aprobación is approval
  3. ara nieve (arar) is he plows snow
  4. los mariscos are seafood
  5. la basura is trash
  6. una milla is a mile
  7. el propósito is purpose
  8. peligroso is dangerous
  9. el amanecer is sunrise
  10. el anochecer is sundown
  11. la deshidratación is dehydration
  12. la natación is swimming
  13. las inundaciones are floods
  14. sostener el aliento is to hold their breath
  15. la vida cotidiana is daily life
  16. una multa is a ticket
  17. No me grites (gritar) is don’t yell at me
  18. el gobierno is the government
  19. analfabeto is illiterate
  20. jubilarse is to retire

For th ... 

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