The Digital Forester

by Kevin Lim

Foresters that have embraced digital technologies to transform the business of forestry share their experiences and lessons learned in this podcast.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Kevin Shorthouse - Northwest Solutions Inc.

    Kevin Shorthouse - Northwest Solutions Inc.

    Kevin Shorthouse is the Director of Northwest Solutions Inc. and joins us from Thunder Bay, ON. Since 2014, this Northern Ontario family-owned business has been dedicated to providing forestry, mining, and environmental services, along with expert training and communications consulting. Come learn how the company’s client-focused, results-oriented team leverages technology to provide innovative solutions to the natural resources sector.

  • Rod Poirier - JRP Solutions Ltd.

    Rod Poirier - JRP Solutions Ltd.

    Rod Poirier is the Owner of JRP Solutions Ltd. and joins us from Courtenay, BC. As a Canadian owned and operated company that has been in business since 1992 and managed by forest professionals and software engineers, JRP Solutions currently serves customers across North America and Australia with its Plant Wizard, Forest OPS and SNAP! software solutions. Come have a listen about Rod’s career in forestry and what it took to develop these industry-leading software solutions.

  • Alex van Gelder - Clear Timber Analytics

    Alex van Gelder - Clear Timber Analytics

    Alex van Gelder is the CEO and Founder of Clear Timber Analytics and joins us from the The Netherlands. Clear Timber Analytics provides accurate tools to help foresters with their daily duties by translating modern technology, such as high-resolution drone imagery and advanced data analytics, into reports that allow foresters to precisely target resources. Come have a listen to learn more about Clear Timber Analytics’ bark beetle detection, growing stock analysis, forest disturbance analysis, and harvest data visualization solutions.

  • Dave Ginther - Voice Directed Tally Systems Inc.

    Dave Ginther - Voice Directed Tally Systems Inc.

    Dave Ginther is the Owner of Voice Directed Tally Systems Inc. (VDTS) and joins us from Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Dave’s background is in the IT sector where for over 25 years he worked as both a general manager and consultant. Dave founded VDTS after discovering Voice Recognition as an effective tool for hands free data gathering and over the years has gained clients in forestry, lumber manufacturing, and agriculture. Come have a listen and learn about VDTS voice directed solutions for forestry.

  • Marko Gasic - Mosaic Forest Management

    Marko Gasic - Mosaic Forest Management

    Marko Gasic is the Vice President and Chief Development Officer at Mosaic Forest Management and joins us from Vancouver, BC. At the time of recording, Marko was the Vice President of Information Technology and Planning at Mosaic and successfully led several major digital transformation projects for the company. Come have a listen to Marko’s thoughts from an executive level on the forest technology landscape and his leadership approach to realizing success.