
CKKB1E3: Yeah I'll Get a 10 Piece

The Cursed Caravan: A Pathfinder 2e Podcast by The CC Crew

Episode notes

Last time on Crown of the Kobold King, Scarab leads the two bird brains through the forest following the tracks of a hunter and their prey. The Colonel willingly falls into a spike trap, and finds a dead hunter. After that, the large rooster tries to kill himself again by bumbling into a wolf den. Joq and Scarab are able to distract the wolves and save the Colonel. Traversing the forest again, the group saves a fox from a trap, but then they are ambushed by a hobgoblin. The heroes stomp the hobgoblin and then take pity on him, sending him on his way with some food. As they travel deeper into the forest, they find a large terrifying bipedal wolf that speaks with its mind! Our story continues, and probably ends now!

Game Master - Cody

Shabunga Krazoa Bafomdad the 1st (Scarab) - Matthew

Joq Rioq Qreck Tchitock (Joq) - Felicia

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