Women Doing the Damn Thing - Heather Tatreau and AhDream Smith

Theatre's NOT Dead! by Keyanna Alexander

Episode notes

Streamed live to YouTube on November 10, 2020.

Heather Tatreau and AhDream Smith talk women in leadership, representation, and their virtual project The Debate 2.0.

AhDream Smith is a multi-disciplinary artist, a free-spirited risk-taker, who courageously follows her instincts. She brings herself to her work not just to represent the story well, but to discover something new about herself. ahdreamsmith.com SpacePlusTime Zoom Link: /zoom.us/j/97696789714

Heather Tatreau is a dance professor, choreographer, and producer. Her most recent work, The Debate 2.0, is a dance-theater piece that she transformed from live theater to a virtual piece. www.heathertatreau.com

Workshop tickets: DebateWksp.eventbrite.com


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