
You Can’t Re-Invent The Wheel !

The Randal Report by The Randal Report

Episode notes

Just a few weeks into her premiership, Liz Truss, is already floundering on the political rocks, with talk amongst some Tories of trying to change the rules on leadership challenges, so they can trash the Truss and start again, I might add, yet again! The mini budget presented by the new chancellor rewarded the richest 1% with a tax cut, and along with reversing the NHI increase, introduced only a few months ago by the previous chancellor, Rishi Sunak and a number of other policies, which were to be funded by increased government borrowing, forcing an intervention by the BOE, to steady the financial markets as Britain PLC’s financial viability was called into serious question!

A large swathe of Tory backbenchers might rebel, has there been the first major u-turn of Truss’s premiership, with Truss, throwing the chancellor under  ... 

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