The Influencers Podcast

by Charisma Podcast Network

Do you dream of ways to tangibly make the world around you better? Do you desire to be a person of courageous action? Join Dave Donaldson and Scott Young as they discuss stories and strategies with leaders, experts, and professionals from around the globe, who will help you uncover the keys to unlocking your full potential, empowering you to leave a legacy of change through kindness and compassion from your neighborhood to t ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • From Dysfunction to Prison… Ministry (158)

    From Dysfunction to Prison… Ministry (158)

    You know those testimonies that keep you riveted? Where the brokenness is so severe that you marvel God could pull a life from such rubble and use it for His glory and purpose? Carl Barrett has one of those testimonies and he can tell you exactly how God uses it. Author, Ministry Founder, and Instructor with the National Fatherhood Initiative, Barrett has years of experience ministering within the prison system. He has seen God arrest the downward spiral of many a man. Born into a severely dysfunctional family, Barrett walked through every kind of abuse, addiction, and drugs. With five suicides in his family, he personally struggled with suicide even after becoming a Christian. He knows pain, loneliness, brokenness, and God. The men in prison test his authenticity and it is his journey that earns their ear. If you think your past is too messy, or wonder how God can use your life, you will want to listen to this. For Show Notes & Episode Details: Get more inspirational content all week… FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: YOUTUBE: Learn more about Carl Barrett and get a copy of his book ____________ at ____________

  • What is the best way to Handle Grief? Is it a Posture of Silence or Being Productive? (157)

    What is the best way to Handle Grief? Is it a Posture of Silence or Being Productive? (157)

    Death. Prolonged sickness. It is not enjoyable dinner table conversation, yet it is inevitable. Can you prepare for the loss of one you love? Is there a hack for grief that circumnavigates the devastating sadness? An author and accomplished journalist who writes for the Washington Post, National Geographic, and NPR, Whitney Pipkin is recovering from the loss of her mother and the 20-year cancer diagnosis that finally took her precious life. Pipkin shares the journey in her book, We Shall All Be Changed, tackling the uncomfortable subject of a loved one’s death, and how to survive it. Although proactive and willing to have hard, end-of-life conversations with her mom, Pipkin still found the loss devastatingly powerful. Strangely, it was in her grief that she experienced transformation prepared by a loving God who stayed with her. He is the great caregiver, and when we learn to be still with Him and accept His care, it changes us, and the way we chose to live moving forward. For Show Notes & Episode Details: Get more inspirational content all week… FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: YOUTUBE: Learn more about Whitney PIpkin and get a copy of her book We Shall All Be Changed at

  • Truth vs. Gender Identity (156)

    Truth vs. Gender Identity (156)

    Am I gay? That is a question that every parent and church staff member needs to be able to answer. Living in a culture that applauds, elevates and takes pride in sin, we must know and model the truth for our kids. Few recognize this better than author Garry Ingraham and his wife Melissa. Having come out of sexual confusion, they founded the Love and Truth Network through which they work to restore people to sexual wholeness and biblical identity. Ingraham dives into what drove him to sexual confusion. His experience pinpoints the need for young men and women to receive direction, honesty and discipleship regarding biblical sexuality, both at home and from the church. Highlighting complete surrender to the Almighty, Ingraham found freedom from all that had bound him. Today, Ingraham witnesses the power of God, changing people, and establishing in them His identity and His purpose for them. Learn how to respond and how you can best shepherd the confused and the lost. For Show Notes & Episode Details: Get more inspirational content all week… FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: YOUTUBE: Learn more about Garry Ingraham and get a copy of his book Am I Gay?: Coming Out of Cultural Christianity & LGBTQ+ Identity into Authentic Faith in Jesus at

  • Day of Gratitude: Serving Those Who Proudly Serve Us! (155)

    Day of Gratitude: Serving Those Who Proudly Serve Us! (155)

    Some came home in pieces. Some never came home at all. But all fought for this nation, this freedom and this place we call home. They know the cost of service and sacrifice and Peter Palivos will not forget. Raised in a family with five generations of military service, Palivos has seen the brotherhood, hardship, and weight of war, but he also knows the battle doesn’t end when our troops come home. A renowned international attorney and philanthropist, Palivos channels his gratitude into the chairmanship of Voice of the Veterans, Vets Helping Vets and many educational initiatives. For a man of great vision and a greater God, it doesn’t take much to spawn an idea. This one began at a Raiders game; Palivos decided he needed the Allegiant Stadium for something. That “something” is a "Day of Gratitude on June 8th for 15,000 veterans, armed forces, and their families, presented by Voice of the Veteran, CityServe and ChurchLV. God calls us to be courageous. So strap on those boots and let’s see how God can use you. For Show Notes & Episode Details: Get more inspirational content all week… FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: YOUTUBE: Learn more about the work of CityServe International and how you can get involved at

  • How to Recognize ‘Sin-Adjacent’ Emotions (154)

    How to Recognize ‘Sin-Adjacent’ Emotions (154)

    Has your effectiveness ever felt compressed, buried under the weight of emotional burden? Diamonds are rare from the Middle East but Tessa Afshar is one of them. A researcher of Biblical history with a Master of Divinity from Yale and an award-winning author, Afshar speaks like one who has probed the Word of God and unearthed the precious. Raised as a nominal Muslim, Afshar thought all religions were the same until one night, in a dream, when Jesus beckoned her to follow Him. Her story is fascinating, but it is her internal struggle with discouragement and anxiety that will keep you riveted. Having experienced abandonment as a teenager and a broken marriage in her early twenties, Afshar found herself dealing with compounded discouragement, not a sinful feeling but one she describes as ‘sin-adjacent’ to self-pity and discontent. Opening the door to those, she soon found herself unable to pray, sleep or function at work, but there were answers. If you are experiencing debilitating anxiety, or know someone who is, you will be encouraged as you discover the gems Afshar found through her journey. For Show Notes & Episode Details: Get more inspirational content all week… FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: YOUTUBE: Learn more about Tessa Afshar and get a copy of her book The Rested Soul at