Episode notes

'“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”' Jeremiah 1:5

Today we are going to delve into a prophecy that will also serve as a teaching about what a true prophetic CALLING is. This is the first in a series of prophecies the Lord gave me this August 2024 about the state of prophecy in the church that I will be publishing exactly as He has instructed me to.

Thus Says the Lord: “Only 1 out of 10 of your so-called prophets are TRUE prophets who received MY call, who were elected, set apart, and trained for their work. And out of that 10th of true prophets, only half have proven faithful. The other half are now prophets of Baal. LOVY ELIAS is one of those prophets. He prophesies for Jezebel, Leviathan and Baphomet.”

Pause here and let that SINK in.

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