37. Dr. Jill Crista, ND. How Mold Myctoxins wreck your thyroid & gonadal hormones

The Dr. Madeira Show by Dr. Sam Madeira

Episode notes
Dr. Jill Crista discusses the mechanism of how mold mycotoxins can cause low thyroid function and low gonadal hormones (testosterone for men, estrogen for women, progesterone for women, etc.), and why mold is something all chronically fatigue and brain foggy people should have assessed in their homes and with lab testing.
Mold sickness is more about the toxins than the spores. All mold toxins (called mycotoxins) cause mitochondrial damage. Mycotoxins are potent protein synthesis inhibitors - what this means is that they stop you from making necessary metabolic components for building muscle, stamina, and balanced hormones. Mycotoxins also rewire your immune system making you more susceptible to infections, or impair your ability to recover once sick.
Hormonally, some mycotoxins are detrimental to testosterone production and the dir ... 

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