Episode Four: Liberal Derangement Syndrome w/ Doug Henwood and Liza Featherstone

The Antifada by Sean KB and AP Andy

Episode notes

In The Antifada's HARD LAUNCH episode, Jamie and Sean speak with socialist power couple Doug Henwood and Liza Featherstone about aggression in Syria, the governor's race in New York, and liberal derangement syndrome. Liza does an on-air version of her socialist-feminist advice column in The Nation, "Asking for a Friend."

Jamie almost sells out, but mistakes ice cream for soap so w/e. Sean reminds us that leftists don't make heroes of i-banking cops like James Comey. Doug and Liza talk about how they met and their philosophy on makin' red diaper bbs. Jamie and Liza admit they're only in it for the Bernie bro boyfriends.

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Check out Doug Henwood a ... 

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