Ep 109 - The ICE Bae Cometh

The Antifada by Sean KB and AP Andy

Episode notes

OG Antifadas Jamie and Sean plunk down on the podcasting couch for a light chat about two topical topics: the USPS and fascism.

How worker struggle created the modern USPS and how the Democrats shot themselves in the ass with decades of bipartisan attacks on it. Oh no, ICE Bae has an Onlyfans. Fascism: how does it work? Fascism and neoliberalism. Is Trump a fascist? Is Amerikkka? Various thinkers' attempts to define the big F. Maybe the real fascism was the enemies we made along the way.

Article Jamie referenced on fascist economics: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-supermanagerial-reich/

Outro song: The Postal Service - Brand New Colony