Tell Me More

by Joshua Solowey

Tell Me More finds interesting people who know about interesting things. In this first season, the topics are not only interesting, but also incredibly important in our world today. Hope you enjoy.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Ep. 4: Let's Talk Porn (Adult Conversation)

    Ep. 4: Let's Talk Porn (Adult Conversation)

    Porn - the thing we know about but rarely talk about, but we are going to dig in deep here. The industry of porn & the impacts of porn on the individual, their relationships, and the world at large w/ Sarah Sullivan.

  • Ep. 3: White Family in a Black Neighborhood

    Ep. 3: White Family in a Black Neighborhood

    A family is learning how to be neighbors in a community that is already really good at it...but it took a big move first. This isn’t a sexy story. It isn’t shiny. It’s beautifully mundane, it is imperfect and incomplete, and it’s what we need more of. A conversation w/ Josh Willis.

  • Ep. 2: B Corps are Important!!!

    Ep. 2: B Corps are Important!!!

    B Corps are awesome, important, and impactful. You may need to learn about them. Good news: you can!! Thanks to my friend & lawyer Kevin Christopher of Rockridge Venture Law for showing us the way.

  • Ep. 1: Patagonia is Uniquely Awesome...Here's Why

    Ep. 1: Patagonia is Uniquely Awesome...Here's Why

    Why Patagonia is a company worth paying attention to w/ store manager Matt Heinly and long time friend Daniel Esquibel.

  • Intro to Tell Me More

    Intro to Tell Me More

    Hope you are ready for a fun filled, thought provoking first season.