Technomancers: A D&D podcast

by Elastacloud Limited

Welcome to Technomancers, the thrilling Dungeons and Dragons podcast set in the mesmerising City of Everlight! Join us on an unforgettable journey as we delve into a world where magic and technology coexist in perfect harmony (or will it?). Led by our Dungeon Master - Ivan Brett. Bought to you from the London Offices of Elastacloud.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Ep 12: Saving Private Rain

    Ep 12: Saving Private Rain

    When faced with a closed gate, a potential trip to the administrative dungeon, and a little puzzle on how to interact with local politics, Cloudballs Inc do what they do best. Cause massive civil unrest and entirely fail to convince anyone of their noble intentions. In the rain. - Our thanks to Bartholomew for allowing us to use Verge Work from their album Moorbound in this episode, you can buy it on bandcamp here:

  • Ep 11: A Tale of Two Nigels

    Ep 11: A Tale of Two Nigels

    The Cloudballs Inc gang finally take a well deserved rest, have another EGM, decide on something resembling a plan, decide to risk their kneecaps, and attempt to buy a sword. None of these things are as easy as they sound like they ought to be, because it's Cloudballs.

  • Ep 10: Turnip Smuggling

    Ep 10: Turnip Smuggling

    After a surprisingly successful pit battle, the team make a new friend/PR manager, meet Baraz, a local crime boss in a swimming pool and consider smuggling in a few hundred turnips to wreak havoc and destruction on the city, or else face losing their kneecaps.

  • Ep 9: You just burped a crit!

    Ep 9: You just burped a crit!

    With Nigel otherwise occupied with some restorative justice (potwashing), the gang take part in their first pit fight in the Brackish Pit after a round of shots, finding that when they plan what they're doing, they're actually pretty good at this fighting thing! Or maybe they've just learned to leg it in the other direction when Dickie starts casting spells.

  • Ep 8: Into and out of The Hamster Dimension

    Ep 8: Into and out of The Hamster Dimension

    With Dickie in a brownie induced Hamster Dimension, everyone has to find a way to save him from himself at least, as well as a run in with the Goddess of Dreams and Visions. Surviving their run in (just about) they move on to annoying local law enforcement, and largely making a nuisance of themselves on their way down to the slums of Knott, Nigel's childhood home.