Talks with EnExplicit

by En

A casual podcast with most episodes including a few of my siblings as we share our own opinions and experiences of topics that involve the issues and struggles that occur within the pacific island (Poylnesian) community. Most discussions will contain sensitive topics and also culturally taboo content. These are our own opinions and experiences and not a representation of our families or any third party. We reside in Sydney, ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • He never told me he was married at first, but now i know.


    He never told me he was married at first, but now i know.


    S2 EP1 Topic: Being the other woman Trigger warning!! Sensitive topic. Backstory: He never said he was married, until recently. However, you have caught feelings and do not want to leave him and he has said he will eventually leave his wife. We do not condone any form of infidelity or breaking up of families, but these issues happen and the emotional and mental damage it causes for everyone involved is tragic. This is our own opinion and experiences shared, we are not professionals. This is also not a representation of our families or any third party. Please seek professional help if this episode is a trigger.

  • Season 1

  • Infertility within men & women and the effects is has- in some relationships


    Infertility within men & women and the effects is has- in some relationships


    S01 EP20 Topic – Infertility within men and women Back story: A young woman sent in her personal struggle of being infertile and her husband of 15 years leaving her because of the hurt and pain of not being able to conceive a child. We need to normalise infertility within our community and become aware of these health issues and seek help and assurance of different options of being and becoming parents. This is our own opinion and experiences in this episode and it is not a representation of our families or any third party. Seek professional help if this episode is a trigger or if you’d like more information please contact your GP or visit

  • Dealing with a toxic mother in law


    Dealing with a toxic mother in law


    S01 EP19 Topic: Should I speak up to my mother in law when I am being belittled. Back story from a listener: my mother in law has an issue with me, and I do not know why as she states she doesn't but continues to put me down and my husband has addressed this issue, but she refuses to make amends so should I speak up or let him deal with it because I view it as being respected to my husband and is family if I keep quiet. This is our own opinion and experiences shared and not a reflection of our family or any third party. If you feel unwell due to traumatic experiences of domestic violence please seek professional help or contact police if in danger. Lifeline Australia 13 11 14

  • Part II - The ripple effect of Domestic Violence


    Part II - The ripple effect of Domestic Violence


    S01 EP18 TRIGGER WARNING - THIS EPISODE CONTAINS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CONTENT. Topic: The effects on the victim/s once you leave. Part 2 of episode 16: A listener suggested we share our opinions and experiences on domestic violence and how it effects the victim and their children once they leave. We are not a professionals, and these are our own thoughts, opinions and experiences and not a representation of our family or any third party. Any information taken from the podcast is at your own risk. However, if you continue to feel distressed please seek professional help or contact your local police. 1800 respect (Domestic Violence helpline) 1800 737 732 Link2home (Homelessness) 1800 152 152 Kids helpline 1800 551 800

  • The struggles of being a Pacific Islander in the closet

    The struggles of being a Pacific Islander in the closet

    S01 EP17 Topic: The struggles of being a Pacific Islander in the closet, and the expectations of family, culture & religion. A listener sent a suggested topic to share our opinions on this topic as she has witnessed the effects of mental health on a close friend. These are our own opinions and experiences and not a representation of our family or any third party. Any information taken from this podcast is at your own risk.