Palantir, San Diego Surf, Unclaimed Cash, Caroline Marks, Presumed Innocent.

Sunny Mornings | San Diego by Sunny Mornings Network

Episode notes

August 06, 2024


In today's episode, we remember the 59th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. In the San Diego Surf Report, we'll see knee to thigh-high South-West ground swells on Tuesday and Wednesday, dropping to knee-high by Thursday but increasing to waist-high by Friday. We'll also take a look at Tourmaline, where conditions are looking fair at 2+ feet most of the day, with a choppy patch from 2 to 6. Next, we check the weather in San Diego, expecting patchy fog in the morning followed by sunny skies with a high near 82 degrees. Local news focuses on the San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office announcing that it has $867,000 in unclaimed funds. Sports highlights American prodigy Caroline Marks clinching Olympic surfing gold in Tahiti on Monday. Top News ... 

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