Free Slurpees at 7-Eleven Today!, Boston Storms, Klay Thompson, Devil Wears Prada, Tesla.

Sunny Mornings | Boston by Sunny Mornings Podcast Network

Episode notes

July 11, 2024


In today's episode, we celebrate Free Slurpee Day, a sweet tradition started by 7-Eleven in 2002. Next, we check the weather in Boston, expecting a slight chance of showers before noon followed by cloudy skies with a high near 88 degrees. Local news focuses on the Karen Read trial, where Judge Beverly Cannone has impounded the jury list for at least ten days, citing a risk of irreparable injury if released. Sports highlights Steph Curry's recent comments on Klay Thompson's departure from the Golden State Warriors. Top News dives into the spread of lone star ticks across the United States, posing serious health threats. Business news covers Tesla's explosive stock surge, proving to be a major win for investors. Science discusses a new study revealing that hippos can get airborne, even if briefly. Finally, in  ... 

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