Strata Life

by Rochelle Castro of RC & CO LAWYERS

It's quite a journey for seasons one and two and now we're ready to take it to a higher level. And season three will be a more advisory approach on all matters that could help you enjoy the Strata life.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • 3 Ways How to Best Work with Your Strata Manager

    3 Ways How to Best Work with Your Strata Manager

    First method is agree on the method of communication. There are different platforms. It's not always email. There could be a chat room that could be agreed upon. In addition to the email, there's a chat room. There's also calls. There are just some things that you need to pick up the phone and speak with them, that it's not necessary that you use the email as a chat room. So my point is, agree on the method of communication depending on the subject matter, rather than continuously copying in the strata manager in all communications between all you committee members and expect them to read, they will not read, they will miss. And what you do not want is a miscommunication because it's just not humanly possible. If you create the inbox as a chat room and expect at the manager, because in reality they are dealing, they are not the only, you are not the only committee that they're dealing with. So agree on the methods of communication and the channels of communication depending on the subject matter that's being discussed or you're giving instructions. Second is decide as a committee, make a decision on a subject matter, talk amongst yourselves, and then once you read a decision, give those instructions to your strata manager for them to action. If you need some guidance from the strata manager, bring them in. But if it's a discussion amongst the committee, make that discussion amongst you and after making a decision, then give the instructions to the strata manager. That way it's seamless and it avoids a misunderstanding as the last thing you want is put energy and effort to clear up what has been miscommunicated. So again, decide first as a committee, talk amongst yourselves, discuss, communicate, and then give the instructions after to the strata manager so that those instructions are delivered clear. And finally, maintain an action list. As a committee, a lot of things, a lot of subject matters would have to be coming on your table. And we know you are volunteers and the last thing you want is miss things or get confused or get overwhelmed. One tool that you definitely could use to help you as a committee is create that action list. Not only is it beneficial for you, but it's also beneficial when you give instructions to your strata manager.

  • 5 Tips on How Committees Should Handle Complaints or Disruptors

    5 Tips on How Committees Should Handle Complaints or Disruptors

    One of the things that's difficult with running a committee is when you're trying to make decisions and move forward. But in reality, because of the different personalities, there are disruptors and there will be clashes that could occur. But I would like to share with you in this podcast five tips on how to handle complaints and disruptor. One, put the procedure in place. Create a flowchart or even put in a policy in place to make sure that it is a list of the requirements and step-by-step procedure that you and your committee could follow. You won't get lost. It's like having a guidance and a follow-through on what to take. That way, no matter how surprise you get with what comes in, that has to be decided by the committee in respect of complaints or even disruptors, you can always go back to that flowchart or procedure that you would follow. Trust me, it works. Tip number two, acknowledge receipt of the complaint or a matter that has been addressed to you. It's important that there is a response saying, Thank you for your communication. We will revert to you and give them an estimate time of reply so that they would know when to follow up. This also avoids unnecessary communication, and you don't want to have someone to follow through every day. And that allows you to control how long you would need to respond. Of course, it should be within reasonable time, seven days, 14 days, and then follow through as long as it's, again, in your flowchart or your procedure or policy. Tip number three is follow the procedure so you do not get lost. That's how simple it is. Or provide a reply, and the reply should be either you will take action. You will not take action or give us more information so that we can decide whether we will take action or we will not take action, and then set out the reasons why. And remember, if the committee, if your committee is not ready to make a decision and you need more information, data, or evidence, ask that. And again, with that, provide a time frame of how long they could provide it. That way, you are not waiting forever. Number five, allow for an appeal and follow through with the procedure as to whether you are taking action or not taking action. That way, the person who has made a complaint or has addressed an issue can see that you are reasonable, and they are given a final opportunity to provide further information through an appeal.

  • What is Important when Seeking Approval for Renovations

    What is Important when Seeking Approval for Renovations

    What I'd like to talk to you about today is the importance of seeking approval and what are the steps in seeking the approval when you carry out renovations in your property and of course when I say when you seek approval I am really referring to your strata community. It's important for you to understand that when you carry out renovations because you live in a community whether it's physical or whether it is behavioural impact, there will be an impact to the rest of the community and because of that it's important that you seek your Strata Communities approval sometimes in your relevant legislation that you're working on or that your Strata community is under sometimes it is required that a written approval is sought or sometimes them just getting an information or written notice from you that you are going to carry out renovations. The reason for renovations approval is being required by the Strato community is so that they could prepare the rest of the community in the renovations that you are also care that you are carrying out. Not only that it also protects you so that you make sure that when the works are carried out you're not going to get any unfortunate interference or notices from your neighbours that they become quite informed about the renovations that you are carrying out, not only that you are also informing your contractors on the steps that are required so that they are not interrupted when they are carrying out your renovation works So getting an approval from your Strata community is absolutely important because of those two factors; One, for the Strata community to prepare, meaning the community to prepare for the renovations that are going to be carried out and also, so that you and your contractors could better prepare so that you avoid uninterrupted renovation works and so that you can enjoy the product of the renovations you're carrying out.

  • Understanding the Implications of Water Leak from your Balcony and Terrace

    Understanding the Implications of Water Leak from your Balcony and Terrace

    Our discussion for today is about Understanding the Implications of Water Leak from your Balcony or Terrace. The reality is when it is determined by an expert and it could be a contractor when I say expert a building manager, building consultant or an engineer that your waterproof membrane needs to be fixed or it has past its lifetime. The consequence of not fixing that issue is water ingress and water ingress is not good for your neighbors, it's not good for the structure most especially if the structure is common property because what happens is the water ingress would impact not only your property, the common property, and your neighbor's property which is the unit below if any. So, the implications of water leak that you need to understand are contained in three things. Number one, once an expert tells you that you need to fix your waterproof membrane act promptly in rectifying the issue. Second one is inform the parties for in impacted by the issue of the water ingress and tell them that you're being proactive in resolving the issue. No.3 once it is rectified inform the impacted parties that the rectifications have been carried out in that you've been informed, as long as you really have been informed by the contractor that the rectifications have now stopped the water ingress. It's quite important for you to not ignore this issue because the longer it occurs, the longer you allow for water ingress to continue, the more damage and resultant damage could occur and it could not only impact others enjoyment of their property but it could definitely cause in the dispute that could have been avoidable and costs and stress to you would unfortunately unavoidable. So, it is important that more specially if you're in the Strata community or living in the Strata community that you understand these three implications and you must action them best practice as early as practicable in respect of any water leak or water ingress that is coming from your balcony or even your terrace.

  • Season 2

  • Importance of a special resolution being passed before granting a lease or license over a common property

    Importance of a special resolution being passed before granting a lease or license over a common property

    You see, it's absolutely certain for the strata community to pass a special resolution because it gives the power to all the owners to make a decision if they want to lease or license part of the common property. Now, this wasn't given to the executive committee for the very reason that all the other owners in your community must be given an opportunity to voice out whether they want to lease or license that shared area. Now, if the executive committee decides to skip that requirement, which is really a legal requirement to pass a special resolution, and decides to make that decision, they're really acting beyond their powers. And what could be the consequence be them opening themselves up to any liabilities that could be made by another owner or even the person that's been granted a lease or license? So it's absolutely necessary that your strata community passes a special resolution, records that special resolution in the minutes or a ballot, and then confirms in the lease or license document that a special resolution has been passed. In that way, there will be no future arguments that could absolutely be avoided, and no allegations made against the committee in the absence of a special resolution being passed.