Episode notes

Summer Guest Episode: Dive into Newsy Pooloozi! (Bonus Episode)

While Sneak, Bean, Sparky, and I are busy whipping our August episodes into shape, we thought your ears could use an extra refreshing treat to get you through the last few weeks of July. So…

Grab a popsicle or 20, settle into your giant hotdog pool floaty, and let’s dive into some kid-friendly news stories from one of our favorite pod friends…Newsy Pooloozi! Join host Leela and her mom Lyndee for a peek at scrabble’s brand new makeover, a quick swim with some chatty whales, and an unexpected road trip with an incredibly sneaky cat. HAPPY SUMMER!

A huge-gantic self-high five to our news-tastic pod friends,

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kidsfamilylearningeducationsillyfriendsdiscoverworldjokescommunityexploreglobalculturediverseScrabblechessfossilswhalessneaky cat