St A is the way podcast

by Year 6 students

Find out what is happening at St Augustine's Primary School through the eyes of our Year 6 students! Episodes will be released every 2-3 weeks.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • St A is the way podcast

    St A is the way podcast

    Find out what is happening at St Augustine's Primary School through the eyes of our Year 6 students! Episodes will be released every 2-3 weeks.

  • St A is the way podcast

    St A is the way podcast

    Find out what is happening at St Augustine's Primary School through the eyes of our Year 6 students!

  • St A's all the way podcast ep 2

    St A's all the way podcast ep 2

    St A’s is now live on Spotify and Apple Podcast! Find out what is happening at St Augustine’s through the eyes of our Year 6 students! Have you listened to episode 1 yet?

  • St A's Podcast - episode 1

    St A's Podcast - episode 1

    Find out what is happening at St Augustine's Primary School through the eyes of our Year 6 students! Episodes will be released every 2 weeks