25. Recognizing when you need a Pit stop

Spice of Life by Julia Spicer

Episode notes

Are you operating in low energy? Are you showing up in your work with low patience, low tolerance, and/or out of obligation? Or, are you going head strong in your work and not intentionally stopping to refill your tank? This one's for you.

It's easy to get into a routine of go go go. To wake up, work, eat, work, and sleep. To repress out feelings and thoughts in order to "get things done."

It's easy to neglect our needs & run on unhealthy auto pilot. In this week's episode of the podcast, Julia brings to light tell tale signs of a low tank, burnout, and what to do about it. How to continuously keep a full tank and ensure you're operating from your best, most fulfilled self.

Interested in connecting even more? Connect with Julia here:

Instagram: @juliaerinspicer